Saturday, February 29, 2020

Business Culture Of Russia English Language Essay

Business Culture Of Russia English Language Essay Imagine that you work for a multinational IT company and have been transferred to Japan for five years on a project. You want to adjust yourself culturally to the new environment so that you do not have cross-cultural problems. Which aspects of the local culture would you wish to observe and understand in order to avoid problems of cross-cultural communication? Hello!! My name is Agnes. I am from Russia. I work in a multi-national company there as Sr. Manager in Marketing Department. For the completion of a project, I have been transferred to Japan for five years. Being two different countries, there are a lot of differences between the business cultures of them. Business Culture of Russia Russia, being one of the fastest growing economies of the world, is an inspiration for international business relations. People who are looking forward to break into a new business or attempting to grow their European presence enjoy their success by the development of new Russian clients and partn ers. Meeting Etiquettes Russians value patience and appreciate time for discussion, consideration and digesting negotiations. Never try to impose a decision through high-pressure talk. It will only make you look impatient, rude and incapable of professional business communications. Although it is acceptable for your Russian colleagues to be late to the business meetings, but, as a foreigner, you are expected to be punctual. Also, do not let your late Russian colleagues to apologize, as their behavior is considered to be a test of your patience level. If your business meeting is based on a technical topic, be sure that you bring technical experts and a Russian interpreter along with you. Your Russian colleagues will expect a thorough presentation associated with your topic. Bringing experts establishes your credibility, foresight and general expertise. Although most Russians speak English, be sure that you have a Russian translation of your business card on the other side, as this in dicates your enthusiasm for doing business with your Russian colleagues. Greeting Etiquettes Initial greetings may come across coolly. Do not expect friendly smiles. A handshake is always required when greeting or leaving, regardless of the relationship. Remove your gloves before shaking hands. Dress Codes Business dress is formal and conservative. Wearing very light or very bright colors may make you appear lazy or unreliable to a Russian person. MEN: They should wear business suits. WOMEN: They should wear subdued colored business suits with skirts that cover the knees. Body Language Russians are very demonstrative people, and public physical contact is common. Hugs, backslapping, kisses on the cheeks and other expansive gestures are common among friends or acquaintances. Russians stand close while they are talking. Making an â€Å"OK† sign in Russia is considered to be very rude gesture. Corporate Culture Russians appreciate punctuality. Business meetings generally begin o n time in Russia. Business cards, in Russia, are always exchanged at business meetings. The ceremony of presenting and receiving business cards is very important. Do not treat it lightly. Hand your business card in a way that the Russian side is readable to the recipient.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Operation Ripper, Korean War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Operation Ripper, Korean War - Essay Example tion involved the entire divisions of Eighth Army as well as the airborne troops of the 187th Regiment Combat Team and the 2nd and 4th Ranger companies. A number of the historical accounts on Operation Ripper identified it as offensive with an exclusive objective of capturing Seoul. However, there are accounts that Operation Ripper has a deeper goal than merely driving away the enemy from a specific location. Dorr and Thompson (2003) explained that throughout the Korean War, the American soldier did not have the killer mentality that would ensure efficacy in the battlefield: "A study showed that 27 percent balked, deliberately passing up a chance to aim and shoot their MI Garand rifles when an enemy soldier presented a target."2 So, the newly installed General Matthew Ridgway, planned Operation Ripper to remedy this problem and inflict as much casualty as possible. The operation was originally called Operation Killer, describing its ultimate objective. Soldiers were conditioned to kill. They were reminded that the job entailed killing and the destruction of enemy equipment. This is demonstrated in the standard pep talk delivered by sergeants to the UN troops: "Your job is to point that goddamned thing into the other guys face and shoot him deader than a doornail."3 The tactics involved included the coordinated offensives and strictly preserved lateral security that avoided immediate interdiction.4 After the operation, it was reported that the United Nation troops were able to kill 7,000 Chinese soldiers.5 While Operation Ripper did not decimate the enemy completely, it successfully drove them out of Seoul and further up north. In this respect, it was able to attain some degree of success for the United Nations efforts during the Korean War. The success of the operation was able to change the lackluster performance of the troops. There are those who argued that the outcome turned the tides of the war. In the political front, Operation Ripper convinced policymakers

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Supply and Demand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Supply and Demand - Essay Example Causes of shifts in demand curve Economists stipulate that increase and decrease in the quantity of a product demanded depends on the unit price imposed thus; the demand curve will shift upwards from the right towards the left at reduced prices, while it would reflect backward slumps at increased unit prices. Further, changes in per capita incomes and shifts in the prices for substitute commodities also influence a positive or negative shift in the demand curve. Demand shifts may also occur in the event of varied tastes and preferences, different expectations, and standards of living (Musgrave, et al 2009). Fig.1 demand and supply curves at the state of equilibrium Discussion of the equilibrium price and quantity, and the effects of demand and supply shifts upon the equilibriums Equilibrium price and quantity The demand and supply utilities pose equity in market when the quantity supplied equals the foregoing amount of demand. Similarly, the equilibrium results when the amount suppli ed meets all the demand satisfactorily without any remaining surplus. The situation is called a prefect market whereby the demand and supply curves conform at a certain point whereby the imposed unit price for the commodity is favourable to buyers and sellers such that all unit sales excel meeting the demand satisfactorily (Boyes, & Melvin, 2013). Fig.2 equilibrium points Effects of demand and supply shifts upon the equilibriums Demand and supply shifts affect equilibriums when one of the utility shifts while the other one stagnates. For instance, a increase in the supply for products while the demand remains constant shall cause a reduction of the prices while in the event of increased supply, the price will increase accordingly (Cohn, 2007). Consequently, an increase in the demand for commodities while the supply remains constant leads to increased prices and thereby the shifts move unevenly and cause disequilibrium, which implies varied instead of equated prices to the quantities . Fig.2 shifts in the demand and supply curves and the point of equilibrium Price elasticity of demand and supply Price elasticity of demand and supply suggests the natural course that the unit prices of commodities will either increase or decrease whenever the demand or supply increases or reduces respectively. Price elasticity of demand prevails when the rise of demand for products leads to increased prices since the supply remains constant (Musgrave, et al 2009). This situation prevails for necessary goods such that increase in demand will lead to increase in prices, but with the absence of reduction in the marginal consumption or increased supply, buyers will continue to purchase the commodity at the increased price. On the other hand, price elasticity of supply occurs whenever product prices increase or reduce in the event of reduced or increased quantity in the market while the demand remains constant. However, there are periods when demand and supply shifts are inelastic towa rds price increments and price reductions (Cohn, 2007). For example, the increase in the price of luxury and goods of ostentation will lead to increased demand and reduced supply thus causing price inelasticity such that the curves can never conform to the law of equilibrium. Fig.3 price elasticity